It was winter thrush arrival day but things only got going after 9am. Gangs of Redwing got bigger as the morning went on but the really huge numbers were in places other than Middleton NR, apparently several thousand travelling high above the M6!
Vis 0730-1130
NE F2-3, part cloudy, 7-13C
Redwing 327 NE
Fieldfare 95 NE
Mistle Thrush 5 NE
Song Thrush 6 N
Jackdaw 137 S
Carrion Crow S
Snipe 1 W
Pink-footed Goose 282 S (flock sizes: 42/140/100)
Grey Wagtail 9 SE
Alba Wagtail 2 E
Chaffinch 4 SE
Reed Bunting 4
Linnet 1 SE
Meadow Pipit 1 SE
Lesser Redpoll 1
Goldfinch 2 SE
Starling 5 SE, 1 NE, 5 N
Skylark 1 SE
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Ringing summary from Alan |
Ringed Trowbarrow Quarry, Silverdale as nestling 1/10 on 20/5/20
Caught: Middleton NR today
Quite a few irruptive coal tits this autumn including a flock of 15 this morning
There were still at least 100 thrushes on and around the reserve in the early evening, mainly Redwing, but also Mistle and Song Thrush plus Blackbird. No Fieldfare seen.
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One of this evening's Redwing. |
Pink-Footed Goose - 490 + 150 south 16:10 & 16:15
Ocean Edge area mid morning
No sign of any thrush movement, just a couple of hundred metres west of Middleton Nature Reserve!
Mediterranean gull 2 unringed adult
Great White Egret one SE at 10:10
Wigeon c80 flew into Red Nab from estuary direction
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Some of the Wigeon flying in. |
Flock of 15 coal tit
35 or so Blackbird
One Chiffchaff