Friday 8 July 2011

More autumnal firsts

Heysham Obs
Ocean Edge/Red Nab/outfalls
Med Gull - First 2 juveniles of the autumn (both unringed on at least 3/4 of the legs!), adult and 3CY
Whimbrel- one

A poor catch saw Dotted Clay and second brood Early Thorn open their accounts

There have been a few migrant moths in the last few days, mainly Silver Y, but also including a Small Mottled Willow (the dreaded 'Beet Army Worm') in my home trap at High Tatham.  Also an influx of Red Admiral butterflies and one or two Painted Lady and Humming-bird Hawk Moth, including one on the NE periphery of the Obs recording area in a garden adjoining Heysham Moss.  Thanks for the pic Janet