Friday, 20 February 2009


Heysham Obs
Mid-morning brief visit to north harbour wall
Didnt have to resort to grilling flotsam (see 28/1/09) - there were some birds to see/hear despite visibility oscillating between 400 and 600m. The most interesting "sighting" was of 250+ noisy gloom-looming Pink-footed Geese at exactly wind turbine height as they headed NW over the Bay. There was enough wind (just) to rotate blades. Exactly why there are concerns over offshore windfarms on migration routes of species which are both diurnal and nocturnal

Purple Sandpiper - a shape on the lower tiers of the wooden jetty conformed to this species - well it did have a longish bill!
Mute Swan - adult on the sea by the wooden jetty
Pink-footed Goose - see above = c1015hrs

Moth trap
One March Moth

Water Pipit seen at Leighton Moss yesterday away from public areas. Great Grey Shrike Dalton Crags just SE of trig point late afternoon. Waxwing Leighton Drive still. Ad Ross's x Pink-foot hybrid Sand Villa & 21 Bewick's Swan Jeremy Lane (3 juvs).