Friday, 21 March 2025

Plenty of movement

A dry but overcast day. A fresh east wind varying between  ESE and ENE

North shore
Heysham skear - low water 09:30 (Malcolm)
07:45 - 10:00
Pied/white Wagtail 1 due north just out from the promenade 
Lesser Redpoll 1 in/off to NE
Meadow Pipit 146 in/off to NE
Goosander 1 female north (quite uncommon here)
Female Goosander

Goosander flying past resting Brent geese and Oystercatcher 

Pintail pair - also not common here 


Pale-bellied Brent goose 16 in 4 distinct groups, 5, 7, 2 and 2
Eider 23
Red-breasted Merganser 6
Great Crested grebe 3

Oystercatcher 1,500
Curlew 10
Redshank 150
Knot there were three small groups totalling 120, one was flagged but a regular one for this winter. I suspected that these represented the subset of Knot that have taken to holding their ground during Peregrine attacks and that earlier attacks had cleared the majority of Knot off the skear - more on this later.
Turnstone 60
Dunlin 8 inshore with 
Ringed Plover 6
Not a Jackson Pollock, but a Dunlin and a Ringed Plover

I was right to suspect that there had been earlier Peregrine attacks. 
This Peregrine lifted everything 

Before coming in to land

An adult Peregrine Falcon. It looked like a large female, but I have never been
this close to one before to judge size. It certainly wasn't undernourished! The blood
on its belly showing that it had just finished eating its latest kill. I wonder how many 
Knot it has taken this winter?

All the waders resettled, but kept a close eye on the Peregrine. Pale-bellied Brent also in this clip.
It hung around a while before flying east, lifting everything in its path.

0820-0900hrs - near public field,horse paddock & prom - Diane Smith

Groups of birds coming in land from the bay.

30 meadow pipits

11 linnets

2 skylarks

There were lots of other groups of birds coming, but too far away to see

South shore
Janet checked the foreshore this morning.
Wheatear 2

Male Wheatear

Female Wheatear

Kevin Eaves checked this afternoon, still two Wheatears along the foreshore 
12 Pale-bellied Brent on Red Nab - likely the 5 and 7 from this morning 

Stonechat and 3 Wheatear this afternoon at Ocean Edge. 

Meadow Pipits still coming over Heysham Nature Reserve at 14:30hrs - Pete