Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Plenty going on and lots of Sandwich going out!

A SE wind freshened slightly during the day. Plenty of sunshine.

Seawatch report from Jean:
Full list of what was seen on the seawatch from the North Harbour Wall from 0725 - 1000:

Pink-footed Goose 194 SW / out
Red-throated Diver 2 in, 1 out
Gannet 7 out, 2 in
Common Scoter 18 out
Guillemot 3 in 4 out
Sandwich Tern 163 out
Shelduck 12 out
Red-breasted Merganser 2 in
Bar-tailed Godwit 2 out
Little Egret 1 out
Eider 7 out

Swallow 121 N
Linnet 3 N
Carrion Crow 1 N

Can anyone cover the Heysham morning seawatching slot on Friday please? 7.30-9.30ish should be fine or even just an hour.  Thanks

I had a walk along the south shore late morning (MD)
Kittiwake 2 x 2nd calendar year on their pipe in the harbour.
No Turnstone today on the jetty.
Whimbrel 1 on Red Nab
Dunlin 1 summer plumage bird on Red Nab. It took ages to get a clear enough view to confirm species. Even then only a brief view.
Wheatear 8
Linnet 8 - this male was singing his heart out, unfortunately it is largely drowned out by the wind.

Janet checked Middleton Nature Reserve 
Common Sandpiper 

Little Grebe (dab chick)


Grey Heron

Two clutches of Mallard chicks

Then Heysham Nature Reserve 
Female Speckled Wood

Male Orange Tip

Female Orange Tip

Nice healthy looking Rabit

Frog tadpoles

Water snail crawling and feeding under the water surface film

Heysham skear - low water 17:45 (MD)
Eider 52 (mainly males)
Red-breasted Merganser 9
Great Crested Grebe 6
Little Egret 5
Oystercatcher c1500
Curlew 2
Whimbrel 7 - this one thinks it has found a crab, and flies off to this quieter spot to eat it in peace. But it is just the shed external skeleton of a Hermit Crab. It is quickly discarded.

Bar-Tailed Godwit 37 feeding on sandbar on north side (none in summer plumage)
Turnstone 26 (24 in one flock)
Dunlin 15 in a distant flock
Swallow 9 in ones and twos
House Martin 2 together 

This seal has a flatfish, they are messy eaters and the gulls remain close.