All the coverage today was from the north harbour wall but unfortunately post-1530hrs, following the belt of heavy rain was not covered (this is when many of the Poms went through Bowness)
Seawatching 0700-1500
Arctic Skua - 7 passed Heysham, including three at 1330hrs (one close, two together distant - latter also seen at JB Point). Two further individuals passed JB Point together with the nature of the observation suggesting they had passed Heysham after 1500hrs
Med Gull - 1st summer blogging during the early morning
Arctic Tern - Just 4+ 5 on the move with 8 blogging on the outfalls most of the morning
Common Scoter - 4
Fulmar - 2 - together early morning
Gannet - 19 - all but one distantly 'blogging' early morning
Sandwich Tern - 2
Guillemot - 2
Whimbrel - 1
Swallow - 0.125 per hour!
Mute Swan - two south close inshore - there are 4 non-nesting pairs on Middleton IE
Middleton IE - location of singing male Grasshopper Warblers on visits 1-3 and suggested breeding territories (red circles)

Thanks Malcolm
Poplar Hawk-moth and Brimstone Moth new for the year in the moth trap
Yet again nothing new of interest reported in the LDBWS area (see above for JBP).