Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Shag puts on a show

The SW wind became quite strong in the afternoon. Largely dry with some afternoon showers.

South shore
I had a walk along the sea wall twice (Malcolm). Once in the morning at high water and again in the afternoon when the wind was strong, and the tide was out. Nothing of note blown in by the wind but it wasn't strong for long.
Wigeon 150
Shelduck 7 south (2, 3 and 2)
Red-breasted Merganser 1 male in the harbour in the afternoon.
Shag 1 first winter feeding close to the sea wall between Red Nab and No.2 outflow in the morning.
First winter Shag

We don't often get Shag feeding to the south of the Harbour and there were loads of Cormorant around too, but the Shag's distinctive leaping dive easily identified it, even at distance. It didn't stay on the surface long, so this clip is a compilation of six dives. It was catching fish, at the beginning of the last of these dives you can see it swallowing one, unfortunately with its back turned.
Its dives take it clear of the water, revealing a metal ring on the right leg. Likely, but not necessarily, the same bird that Janet photographed (see yesterday's post). 

Previous occasions when young Shag have been seen feeding here was shortly after their arrival into the area, they then tend to switch to feeding around the harbour and at the north side. But if this is the same bird photographed by Janet it has been around a while. Either way it did catch at least one fish, so perhaps a chance of a repeat performance.

Rock Pipit 3 - one along the sea wall and two near the lighthouse.
Redshank 200

Peregrine Falcon 1

Just out of the recording area - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall

Glossy Ibis in field next to horse paddock this afternoon - from Katie who overlooks the site.  

Also three Meadow Pipit there yesterday.........things starting to slowly move