Tuesday 23 February 2016

Peacock basks in the wall-to-wall sunshine

Heysham Obs
Some nice pics from Janet taken in the harbour area:  Thanks for these

Kittiwake - at least three 2CY in harbour

3 x Dotted Border in the trap

Peacock basking on the hilltop meadow on Middleton

Grey Seal harbour - see above

Only 16 birds caught : 5 Goldfinch, 4 Greenfinch, 3 Chaffinch, 2 Robins, 1 Wren and 1 Blue Tit.
Of interest, one of the Chaffinch was ringed at Heysham in 2011, but not caught again in subsequent years.

Monday 22nd

Heysham Obs
Couple of things from today, neither requiring binoculars

a) Dotted Border (melanistic) in the moth trap

b) The Goldcrest bearing a ring from elsewhere caught at Middleton on a good migration morning on 1st November 2015 was ringed at Gibraltar Point, Lincolnshire on 11th October, as part if a large 'fall' of trans-North Sea birds, therefore a leisurely WNW movement - unusual direction for this species but similar to e.g. Redwing and Chaffinch from Scandinavia