Thanks to John Rayner for these Red-veined Darter pictures
Middleton insects
At least 6 male Red-veined Darter including one male showing signs of immaturity. One tandem pair with the female ovipositing. Other dragonflies included 4 Black-tailed Skimmer, 3 Four-spotted Chaser, 3 Emperor, 20+ Common Darter (majority tenerals), 1 Emerald Damselfly and abundant Common Blue and Blue-tailed Damselfly.
3rd summer Yellow-legged Gull still at Glasson
Heysham Obs
Efforts today were concentrated at Middleton IE with ringing in the central and western marsh and a very well-attended dragonfly workshop organised by Graham Jones from the wildlife trust. What a change to get an excellent day for dragonflies i.e. could be found & studied, not whizzing all over the place in sweltering conditions, especially as it was forecasted to be cloudy. Thanks Graham.
Ringing at Middleton
Promising number of Willow Warblers for this site this early in the "autumn" and another three Grasshopper Warblers ringed [16 so far this year including 4 adult males]. The following were ringed: Grasshopper Warbler (3, an adult female and two juveniles), Willow Warbler (8), Whitethroat (3), Lesser Whitethroat (1), Sedge Warbler (5), Reed Bunting (3), Dunnock (3). A Reed Warbler was caught bearing a ring from elsewhere.
Efforts today were concentrated at Middleton IE with ringing in the central and western marsh and a very well-attended dragonfly workshop organised by Graham Jones from the wildlife trust. What a change to get an excellent day for dragonflies i.e. could be found & studied, not whizzing all over the place in sweltering conditions, especially as it was forecasted to be cloudy. Thanks Graham.
Ringing at Middleton
Promising number of Willow Warblers for this site this early in the "autumn" and another three Grasshopper Warblers ringed [16 so far this year including 4 adult males]. The following were ringed: Grasshopper Warbler (3, an adult female and two juveniles), Willow Warbler (8), Whitethroat (3), Lesser Whitethroat (1), Sedge Warbler (5), Reed Bunting (3), Dunnock (3). A Reed Warbler was caught bearing a ring from elsewhere.
Vis mig at Middleton
One Sand Martin flew south along with c25 Swift
Middleton insects
At least 6 male Red-veined Darter including one male showing signs of immaturity. One tandem pair with the female ovipositing. Other dragonflies included 4 Black-tailed Skimmer, 3 Four-spotted Chaser, 3 Emperor, 20+ Common Darter (majority tenerals), 1 Emerald Damselfly and abundant Common Blue and Blue-tailed Damselfly.
3rd summer Yellow-legged Gull still at Glasson