Very light breezes again, but more due north. Largely overcast, but dry.
Middleton Nature Reserve
Visible migration and ringing report from Jean:
Migrants still trickling over
Linnet 10 - some going W
Redwing 4 - E
Blackbird 2 - SE
Reed Bunting 3 - E
Lesser Redpoll 6 - SE
Meadow Pipit 3 - E
Greenfinch 4
Bullfinch 4 - N
Chaffinch 7 NE
Pink-footed Goose - 890 in 5 flocks N
Grey Wagtail - 3
Jackdaw 20 SE
Snipe - 5
Woodpigeon - 9 S
Redwing 2, Wren 2, Goldcrest 1, Blackcap 1, Robin 1, Reed Bunting 5, Lesser Redpoll 3, Chaffinch 1, Coal Tit 1
Retraps: Cetti’s Warbler 1, Long-tailed Tit 2, Blue Tit 1, Blackbird 1.
Cetti's Warbler - birds singing from four widespread locations.
Heysham Nature Reserve
Marsh Tit confirmed in eastern section
Kingfisher 1 on dipping pond
LTTit 4 groups (8, 9. 8 and 5).
Coal Tit min 8.
Goldcrest 2.
Blackbird 40,
Song Thrush 5
Redwing 3
Pink feet 160, 50 and 150 north between 1200-1215.
Heysham Head (Shaun)
Pink feet c350 north,
Rock Pipit 4 (including a very grey one).
Coal Tit 4.
Blackcap male.
Ocean Edge area (MD)
Today's 10.20 metres high tide at 12:15 covers the saltmarsh about an hour before high water. This flushes any feeding snipe, including:
Jack Snipe 2 (11:13 and 11:20) both, flew directly to Middleton Nature Reserve. There is another chance 11:50ish tomorrow. I would be reasonably confident, but they do get "fed up" of being flushed by successive tides, and may remain on Middleton
Unless a flushed bird lands again, this is the typical view! |
Common Snipe, only one seen, but the saltmarsh was already largely covered when I got
Great White Egret 1 SE 10:50
Pink-Footed Goose - 300 N (probably same as Shaun's) + 115 NW
Rock Pipit 2 together plus 1 (very grey bird) alone. A second report of 5 together may include these three.
The grey Rock Pipit - possibly the same one seen by Shaun |
Meadow Pipit 3 Grounded
Reed Bunting 1
Grey Plover 6
The tide was higher today |