Saturday, 13 March 2021

The wrong sort of wind!

If anything, this morning's wind was even stronger than yesterday, but it had drifted slightly north to WNW, not much, but enough not to drive the sea birds in to the bay. Some sunshine with some very heavy squalls.

So far, the only evidence of movement is an "Auk" and a Red-Throated Diver out. Plus a couple of adult Kittiwake on the sea beyond the outflows.

Rock Pipit 4 (1 saltmarsh, 1 lighthouse and 2 waterfall)
Common Snipe 1
Jack Snipe 4
Both snipe records the result of the tide flushing them from saltmarsh. There were almost certainly more as it was only half covered when checked.

Pale-bellied Brent 3 - a similar pattern to yesterday. They came from north side, fed of Red Nab for about 30 minutes before moving south.

Wigeon 168 - feeding in the channel next to No.2 outflow. 
They were feeding on or just under the water surface, so I guessed they were feeding on wind driven broken weed. This still from the above clip confirms that.
You can see a piece of broken weed in the bill of the bottom left female 

If you ever wondered what a "heavy squall" looks like,
this is one over Blackpool, probably hail.

These South Lakes hills seemed to turn white instantly,
but probably just low cloud lifting off them. 

I think this is a great shot by Janet. It's the fishing platform just inshore of the skeer.
It shows all today's weather elements. High wind, black skies but bright sunshine.
Please open this image to really appreciate it.