Tuesday 8 October 2024

Three more to the tally!

A light east wind. Mainly overcast with some heavy showers 

South shore (Malcolm)
A heavy shower eased at 08:30, so I went to see if there was anything grounded along the foreshore.
Chiffchaff 3 in the Nature Park, the Yellow-Browed warbler not seen or heard 
Pink-Footed goose 57 north
Shelduck 47
Wheatear 1 
Wheatear, the Wren bottom right wasn't happy. There are at least three 
Wrens defending territory along the foreshore 

Rock Pit 2
Meadow Pipit 3 grounded plus 13 in/off
Meadow Pipit

Raven 1 in/off then east

Middleton Nature Reserve northern section (Malcolm)
I checked the east side till another heavy shower sent me home for lunch. I returned after lunch to check the west side.
Mute Swan - the pair with the cygnet were on the main pond, another young looking adult was again sitting on the nest used by the breeding pair.
Broody looking Swan plus a male Gadwall and a Coot
Tufted Duck 6 (4 males)
Gadwall 3 males
Water Rail 2

Cetti's warbler 5 singing
Chiffchaff 8 - 1 singing, 2 calling and the rest just seen
Yellow-Browed warbler 3
Not as professional as Shaun's map yesterday, but it will do. 1 and 2 seen before lunch, 3 after lunch.

The first two were calling nicely, but as always continually flitting. I tried to get a clip, but you can only see glimpses of the warbler in it, but it picked up its call well. The clip ends on a Migrant Hawker waiting for it to warm up a little. This is the first bird, between the main pond (right) and the "no swimming" pond.

The third bird was in the willow trees just beyond the gate to the ringing road. It called a few times, but nowhere near as often as the first two. All three were at locations not checked yesterday.

Sparrowhawk 1

There was only the one resting Migrant Hawker in the morning, but in the afternoon the sun tried to get out and things warmed a bit.
Migrant Hawker 3
Common Darter 4
Small White 1
Red Admiral 1