Sunday, 7 June 2015

Little ringed plovers successful

Heysham obs

Five little ringed plover chicks this evening on Middleton along with 120 mullein moth larvae. House Martin down to low single figures.

Turnip moth new for the year hnr trap

Saturday 6th June - belated House Martin movement

Heysham Obs
Sorry this is late as quite an interesting day - albeit one species

House Martin
14 north from NHW 1200-1230hrs
11 feeding over model boat pond at 9:30 swelled to 50+
by 12:15, then 47 and dwindling as the weather cleared 1245
Middleton NR
Mute Swan - pair on Tim Butler pond have 1 chick. Other pair failed on Fence
pond. They did mate again but since then I have only seen 1 bird, hopefully they
have another nest. 6 2cy on model boat pond.
9 mallard
1 gadwall (m)
3 moorhen
1 heron
1 little ringed plover
Kittiwake - 1 adult on no2
Seawatch 1200-1230
See above
Swallow - 3 north
Manx Shearwater - 1+5+1 - all but the first very distant and all out