Saturday, 16 May 2020

Decent coverage

Seawatch 6-9am - ref Nick Godden curtesy on LDBWS website 

Red-throated diver 2 
Common scoter 60 plus hundreds more distantly in Cumbria 
Goosander 5 (4m) in 
Arctic tern 17 in (2,1,14) 
Sandwich tern 12 
Arctic skua 3 (6.15, 2 at 8.05) 
Gannet 24 
Auk sp 30 
Kittiwake 16 in, 8 went back out 
Black-headed gull 6 in 
Whimbrel 2 
Rock pipit 2 
Swallow 5 N

South shore am
Pomarine skua - 1 reported, details awaited

Decent flock of mixed waders:
320 knot,
280 Dunlin,
6 grey Plover

2nd calendar year gulls
287 Common gull
2 Mediterranean gull

Heysham Nature Reserve late am
Small Copper - first of year

Mother Shipton

Roe Deer 2 - Janet almost tranpled in a "stampede" as she crouched stealthily to get the above pictures. The deer obviously hadn't seen her till they "shot out of the trees" next to her.

North shore low water 14:40
Dunlin 4 on mud 1 on skeer
Curlew 2
Whimbrel 3
Oystercatcher c700
Little Egret 8
Eider 12
Great Crested grebe 4
Shelduck- flock of 13 out