Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Some colour ring news

A dry morning with sunny spells, some very heavy showers in the afternoon. A fresh north wind.

This Grey Wagtail was ringed at Middleton Nature Reserve 18/09/24 as a first winter - see sidebar for the scheme details.
Photographed by Helen Reilly at Flimby near Maryport on 9/3/25
82km NW from ringing site. 

Presumably it  headed south for winter then Helen’s pic taken on return migration with three other birds (unusual for grey wag to travel in groups in spring) 

This orange flagged Knot was photographed by Kevin Singleton as it was
coming in land on the heliport wall 23/02/25. It was ringed at Ainsdale beach
Merseyside 27/05/21. It was seen at Heysham once last winter, this was its
 first sighting this winter

South shore 

I checked from the saltmarsh to Red Nab on the rising tide this morning (Malcolm)

Rock Pipit 2 - one on the saltmarsh another, displaying along the foreshore.

Pale-bellied Brent goose 34 on Red Nab

Shelduck 25

Wigeon 200+

Shelduck, Curlew and a Redshank

Janet checked from Red Nab to the harbour a little later.

Some of the Brent geese


Rock Pipit 3 (making a total of 5) - 2 on Red Nab and one near the nesting area near the lighthouse.

One of the Red Nab Rock Pipits

The lighthouse Rock Pipit was parading around with a large Sea Slater.
presumably intended as an offering to a mate.

Turnstone along the sea wall

In the Nature Park 

Many species enjoy the seeds left by visitors.

Great Tit

Blue Tit - both tits selecting sunflower seeds from the mix.

Carrion Crow

North shore (Malcolm)

I went to watch the skear being exposed by the ebbing tide. A heavy shower meant a wait in the car before starting. It was nice and sunny as I walked out, but that clearly wasn't going to last.

Rain was heading my way......and very quickly!

The rain arrived and was every bit as bad as it promised! Fortunately it didn't last long and the sun was quickly out again.

Pale-bellied Brent geese 12

Eider 16

Oystercatcher 1,000

Curlew 25

Knot 600 including a few flagged birds and at least one new here for this winter. 

Brent geese, Oystercatcher and Knot in this clip.

Curlew, Oystercatcher and Knot
Turnstone 40
Dunlin 20
Another downpour was fast approaching. I'd seen all there was to see,
time to leave. Even so, I was soaked by the time I reached my car.

This moth was on an east facing wall by my front door this morning. 
Quite a common species Diurnea fagella, but still nice to see (Malcolm)