Friday, 8 March 2024

Not bad again.

An overcast but dry day. The east wind slightly fresher than yesterday 

South Shore
Black Redstart 1 female type was still on Ocean Edge foreshore this morning but mobile and elusive at times. Last seen just before lunch.
It was seen by several observers, these are my shots at 09:30 (Malcolm)

Black Redstart 

Great White Egret 1flew east over Red Nab - Kevin Shaw

Meadow Pipit 8 - 4 grounded on the foreshore rocks and 2 x 2 over to north
Meadow Pipit
Rock Pipit 3
For comparison - This is one of Janet's shots of a Rock Pipit earlier this week
Stonechat 1 male behind Red Nab.
Male Stonechat

Pale Bellied Brent goose 30 at least on Red Nab
Greylag Goose 3 SE

Shag 1 adult initially resting on the wooden jetty
Shag (left) with a Cormorant 

But not long after it was feeding on the seaward end of No.1 outflow again.

This Cormorant had caught a reasonably sized Bass near No.2 outflow. Too large to swallow easily when it is thrashing around. They drown them by breaking their gill filaments and taking them under. It doesn't take long, it was all over in a minute. This is a series of clips, you can see on its last dive the Bass is no longer moving, despite the Cormorant prompting it to. This time, when the Cormorant resurfaces the Bass is already in swallowing position and it is soon gone.

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Just a quick check of the "no swimming" pond confirmed that the 4 Goosander are still present.
Cetti's warbler 2 singing