Saturday 19 August 2023

A wonderful bird is the Pelican..........

A mainly dry day apart from an early shower and a heavy downpour around lunchtime. Quite a fresh south to SW wind.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
White Pelican 1 juvenile (escapee from Blackpool zoo - the zoo was notified). Not certain who was the first to spot it, but Dan Haywood put it out and Dian Smith reported it on LDBWS. It was around all day although by evening it was seen to fly to the south before returning.
It was close to the feeding area when I checked this morning (MD)

The male mute normally delights in seeing off any intruders, but he needed a bit of moral support today!

The Pelican was seen catching and eating a female Tufted Duck. The regular Coot and Mallard were conspicuous by their absence......and who could blame them!
In the evening Janet arrived just in time to see it fly off to the south, but then return to the main pond.

There was also a male Tufted Duck and female Gadwall on the "no swimming" pond.

South shore (MD)
I went down at lunchtime to check Red Nab and the shoreline, unfortunately the heavens opened!
Mediterranean gulls 3 adult plus 1 x 2nd calendar year.
Common Sandpiper 1
Only Oystercatcher and Curlew seen along the waterline
Wheatear 1
Rock Pipit 2
Jay 1 in Nature Park 
Buzzard 1 calling fro trees along the dog walk path.

I had a more pleasant stroll along the wall in the evening sunshine 
Mediterranean gull 1 adult patrolling the wall
Oystercatcher 300+ 
Curlew c150 in small groups flying to north side
Whimbrel 2 at least also flying to north
Redshank 75
Turnstone 4

Nature Park 
Common Darter male and female seen
Red Admiral 4
Speckled Wood 6
Gatekeeper 3
Common Blue 1 male
Worn and frayed Common Blue

This young rabbit didn't have, what should be natural, preservation instincts........ I chased it off........for its own good of course

Just out of the recording area - Potts Corner
Curlew Sandpiper in partial summer plumage