Sunday 19 May 2019

Bits and bats

At least one possibly two Spotted Flycatcher in the Royal Hotel woodlands today.  A perhaps surprising SW wind flock of Arctic tern and an even more surprising male Teal out in the low tide channel.  Pete Crooks, Malcolm and Nick.

Arctic Skua - blogging dm off Heysham probably that going in off the SJ later
Arctic Tern - one flock of 37
Common Scoter - at least 450
Sandwich Tern - 5
Great-crested Grebe - 8 in low tide channel
Red-breasted Merg - 5 ditto
Little Egret - 8 ditto
Teal - male
Common Sandpiper - one on skeer

Spot Fly - at least one prob two Heysham Head
Rock pipits intensively feeding young, two further birds loitering along the north wall

Grey Seal 2+

Pale Prominent, Green Carpet (rare here), Heart and Dart, Common Wave, Lime-speck Pug new for year