Monday 23 June 2014

Early morning at Middleton

Heysham Obs
The only tangible sighting of interest was a Green Woodpecker which crossed the site about 0700hrs, calling twice before heading inland

The CES ringing included good numbers of young Blackcap for here (7 ringed) and a few phylloscs but disappointingly low numbers of Sedge Warbler with only one juvenile seen/caught

Two Grasshopper Warbler were reeling but nowhere near the ringing area

A Toadflax Pug was early for this species at this regular site

Sunday 22nd June: Swallow roost kicks off

Heysham Obs
An evening visit to Middleton revealed up to 30-40 Swallows roosting in the main reed bed and the pair of Little Ringed Plover still looking after at least one young.  A brief glimpse of a large owl spp in flight suggested Tawny