Friday 16 October 2015

Windier and trickier

Heysham Obs
The mist nets were not very effective this morning due to a bit of minor blowing about in the stronger NE wind,  Impression was that quite a few migrants sneaked through but all the migrant insectivores that were located were just two species:  Chiffchaff and Goldcrest other than a skinny unringed Robin in the nets.  A probably distant singing Cetti's Warbler on Middleton did not vocally last long and warrants further investigation.  Thanks to Ian for helping out with training

Ringing recoveries
The first Reed Warbler from Northumberland for our area (including Leighton Moss) and an interesting Goldcrest

Reed Warbler
Z152165          3          02.08.15          East Chevington (Northumberland)
Recaptured      3          18.09.15          Middleton NR 163km SSW

EPT845           5F        04.04.15          Heysham
Recaptured      4F        09.10.15          Kilnsea (East Yorks) 206 km ESE in 188 days

Surely not a Scandinavian bird?

Heysham NR vis mig
Not very conscientious - cold and a late night playing in a 'sesh'
Chaffinch - again conspicuous by absence - 5 S
alba Wagtail - 8 SE
Meadow Pipit - 2 SE
Redwing - about 380 (including flock of c300)
Coal Tit - 4

Blackbird - 13
Goldcrest - c20
Chiffchaff - 10 (6 NE side reserve, 2 tank farm, 2 dog walk pond area)
Song thrush - 5

Middleton NR
Reed Bunting - 1
Goldfinch - 37
Chiffchaff - 1
Goldcrest - 2
Lesser Redpoll - 4
Cetti's Warbler - needs confirming
Fieldfare - 1
Grey Wagtail - 2 blogging

Robin (1), Lesser Redpoll (4), Redwing (1), Song Thrush (1), Goldcrest (8), Chiffchaff (1)