Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Finch day

A very light south wind, mainly overcast with some drizzle.

South Shore (MD)
A walk along the sea wall a couple of hours before high water.
Greenfinch 6 in the trees behind Red Nab.
Wigeon c250
Shelduck c50
Pale-bellied Brent goose 37- 30 arrived at Red Nab from the north side 90 minutes before high water. Later Howard saw 37 leaving towards Potts. Later still, Pete reported 37 heading back to Red Nab from Potts Corner.
Brent geese arriving at Red Nab, all seen were pale-bellied

Not long after them was another precession of Oystercatcher, the Heliport Sparrowhawk was active again. Not so many Oystercatcher today and no Knot with them, even so they piled through like this for over three minutes.

Kittiwake 1 adult plus 2 first winter on outflows. 1 adult plus 9 first winter in harbour 
Shag1 immature in the harbour. It kindly provided a nice display.

Rock Pipit 3 - 1 on Red Nab plus 2 together near the lighthouse nesting area. I had heard the male calling earlier, but can't be certain which of these, if any, is the male, but they were directly above last year's nest hole.

On the way back Red Nab was busy, the tide was pushing the Brent closer to the sea wall and the additional Oystercatchers added to the melee. 

One of the Brent geese had two white rings, but just beyond my reading range

Howard's shot of most of the Brent heading south (3 out of shot) with a famous
 landmark in the background (Blackpool tower for our overseas readers)

Nature Park
Bullfinch pair
Goldfinch 10+
Chaffinch 2 - this is the male. You can tell from the background twittering that there was a lot going on.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
A check of the two main ponds saw nothing new, but the Alders just south of the main pond were popular. A mixed tit (just Long-Tailed, Great and Blue) moved through, probably heading to the feeders at the feeding area.
Bullfinch 6 (3 each male and female)
Two of the male Bullfinch

Goldfinch 8, these are some of them teasing the seeds from the Alder cones. The humming is the sub station directly behind me.