Monday 5 August 2024

A swift exit

A fresher south wind. Overcast all day with occasional light showers.

South shore (Malcolm)
Not much time today, just managed a quick look at Red Nab and foreshore towards high water, and a walk along the sea wall this evening 
Mediterranean gulls 40+ including 3 juveniles. Seen on Red Nab, resting/preening on all of the beaches and feeding on the beach by the wooden jetty and out on the sea from the harbour mouth.
Some of the Meds with Black-Headed gulls on Red Nab this evening 

This preening Belgium ringed Med has just dislodged a feather

This German ringed bird was the only other ringed bird seen today.
It is feeding on the beach by the wooden jetty, note the sandmason worm tubes are
more prominent again. Hopefully they will be providing good feeding opportunities
this set of spring tides - shame about the restricted access to the sea wall

There were a handful of young gulls on the waterfall, but no gulls resting on 
The platforms, which are normally filled with Black-Headed gulls at this time of year.

Whimbrel 1 heard this morning.
Rock Pipit 1 on foreshore 
Wheatear 1, presumably the same juvenile as of late. In the same central section of the foreshore, but looking a little more like first winter plumage today.

The evening was very warm and heavy, large numbers of small flies (not flying ants) were over the Nature Park. Inevitably attracting the attention of the passing fly eating birds.
Swallow 13 at least
Swift 8 at least

Pete also managed a quick check from Ocean Edge at high water.
3 juvenile Mediterranean gulls were feeding on No.1 outfall
Common Sandpiper 1 flew south