Monday, 18 December 2023

More Brent.......less gutweed!

 Another overcast day with long periods of light rain. A light SW wind

South shore (MD)
Pale-bellied Brent geese 57 - there were clearly a lot on Red Nab, but they were spread out in family groups, making them difficult to count accurately, the most I managed while they were still feeding was 47.

The once lush gutweed here is now getting thin on the rocks, as both the Brent and the Wigeon feed on it.

No ringed birds were seen today. As the tide covered most of the rocks, they took to the water......

........before taking to the air and allowing a full count.

Wigeon c250

The Oystercatchers were earthworm catchers on the Ocean Edge grass.

At the saltmarsh:
Jack Snipe 1 flushed from the marsh edge, and landed on another section of marsh
Lapwing 76
Turnstone 3
This Curlew was calling regularly. I took a clip, but it was impossible to hear the call
over the wind noise, so I took a still instead

Not seen this dredger before the Iguazú.  It is a water injection dredger,
Basically it fluidises the mud which should then drift off with any current.

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Just the briefest of checks.
Mute Swan the eighth immature bird has rejoined the other seven plus the adult pair.
Coot 5
Moorhen 2
Tufted Duck 2 male (on "no swimming" pond)
Gadwall 14 (on "no swimming" pond)
Grey Heron 1