Friday 24 August 2012

A day for aerial feeders

Heysham Obs
Middleton NR in the evening
Big Swallow roost this evening with over 450 birds and the single net was closed at 2000hrs allowing 70 birds to be processed in good time ahead of the threatening skies to the south
Male Gadwall seen this evening and also yesterday evening

Ocean Edge
A quick pre-tide check mid afternoon was a little early and just 5 distant juvenile Meds were recorded

Office area
Virtually nothing grounded - not a single Willow Warbler seen for example.  A few Swallow tricked south (c40) and a further 65 moved ahead of a area of dark cloud along with a late Swift and c10 House Martin

A late Gothic was unexpected

Red Admiral on the office buddliea but no sign of yesterdays Painted Lady