Monday, 9 December 2024

A pleasant, albeit short winter's day

The north wind had eased but it was still cool, despite plenty of sunny spells.

Andrew McCafferty and Clay Garland were at Heysham this morning. Report by Clay.

South sea wall, 9:30-11: 

Large flock of Knot (1000+?) roosting on the sand quite far out beyond Outflow 2. They lifted up at around 11 but I didn't see why, and they settled back down soon after.

24 Cormorant mostly on the sand beyond Outflow 1

c100 scattered Oystercatcher feeding around the sand either side of the outflows

About 20 Redshank and 10 Curlew among them

115 Wigeon mostly roosting on the rocks

Pair Red-breasted Merganser flew North

1 Little Egret at the base of Outflow 2

Heysham Head, looking out over the skear, 11:30-12:30:

81 Brent Goose - didn't notice any dark bellies among them

4 or 6 Red-breasted Merganser

1 or 2 Great Crested Grebe

Heysham skear - low water 11:40 (Malcolm)

Andrew and Clay did a better job than me at counting the Brent. I only managed 77, but you do get a good overview from Heysham Head. No dark-bellied seen today 

66 Brent in flight in this shot. They were feeding all over and along both 
edges of the skear

Male Red-Breasted Merganser

I only saw the single merganser, but saw at least 11 Great Crested grebe.

Wigeon 4

Eider 3

Distant Great Crested grebe and Eider.
Plus even more distant Piel Castle

There were about 1,000 knot in several small groups. But they merged briefly during two Peregrine Falcon attacks

Peregrine Falcon top centre, about to dive through the Knot Flock

There were a few colour coded Knot around, from UK and Dutch schemes.

One of the Dutch scheme Knot - details awaited 

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