Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Double-figure dots

Heysham Obs
Technocrat Jean Roberts has now introduced 'live traffic feed' - see bottom of side panel

North harbour wall
Red-throated Diver - absolute minimum of 12 and possibly as many as 20 offshore, depending whether the same birds remained in situ on the dropping tide
Common Scoter - male offshore, then out
Whooper Swan - flock of 13 north mid-pm
Purple Sandpiper - 2 by the wooden jetty with 25 Turnstone
Greylag - one 'in'
Eider - 96
Twite - 46 - all appeared to be ringed
Meds - regular birds presumed gone as is normal for e.g. Czech bird:

EX78711 1 03.06.03 Chomoutov, Olomoucky, CZECH REPUBLIC
Seen 24.08.03-26.03.04 Heysham Harbour
Seen 22.07.04-09.03.05 Heysham Harbour
Seen 20.7.05-06.03.06 Heysham Harbour
Seen 08.07.06-06.03.07 Heysham Harbour
Seen 04.08.07-09.03.08 Heysham Harbour
Seen 18.07.08-at least 23.02.09 Heysham Harbour
Seen 07.07.09-07.03.10 Heysham Harbour

HNR office area
Goldfinch - one north
Meadow Pipit - 2 north
Blue Tit - unringed bird now ringed - the only bird caught in two rounds before the wind increased
Green Woodpecker - one calling in the direction of Ocean Edge mid-afternoon

Two Small Brindled Beauty trapped overnight at Millhouses near Wray (known site, but first of year)

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