Another pic of Sunday's Yellow-browed Warbler. Thanks Dave
Heysham Obs
The cloud and mist and murk.....and then rain, all in a south-westerly airstream came much further to the south than forecast and put the lid on any vis or appreciable incentive to search for grounded migrants.
Ringing recovery
Ringed: Nestling: 7/7/06 Kårøy (6730N- 1205E), Røst, North Norway.
Found dead: Heysham south harbour wall 30/9/07
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An early morning flock of c140 Pink-footed Goose NE
Single figures of Redwing, Blackbird and Song Thrush. Nothing on OE foreshore or the NHW mound.
4 x 2nd W and one x adult Med Gulls along the north harbour wall/harbour entrance (none during a careful check of the outfalls/red nab)
Black Guillemot still in the harbour mouth
Kingfisher flying THROUGH Ocean Edge caravan short-cutting between Red Nab and the saltmarsh
12, 580 Knot on the heliport (careful count - first "impression" was about 7,000!!)
A record (?) 375 Shelduck off Red Nab/OE foreshore
A couple of rewards for the Morecambe part of the WeBS in the form of a juvenile Brent Goose, almost certainly showing enough 1st W plumage on the flanks etc. to determine as Light-bellied. However, the underparts were not seen as it sat on the water. Next to the west end groyne (between S Jetty and Battery) at HT. Secondly, re-acquaintance with adult Med Gull 36W (Belgian-ringed) by the Strathmore. As has already been reported previously, a Reed Bunting was also on the west end groyne! Great White Egret still at the EM Pools this morning
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