Monday, 31 August 2009
Sanderling & decent Grey Plover flock
Heysham Obs
Ocean Edge foreshore/outfalls 0930-1030ish, north harbour wall 1040
Med Gull - 2 juvs Stage 2 outfall (& 3 juv Common Gull), no adults at all!
Sanderling - juv Ocean Edge foreshore
Black-tailed Godwit - 5 Red Nab
Grey Plover - 152 on shore south of Ocean Edge
Swallow - 3 south
12 Silver Y but no other sign of any migrants in promising conditions
Juvenile Common Tern Pine Lake (second day)
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Misty murky uncertainty (or laziness)
A couple of checks of the outfalls, the latter one nearish high tide was accompanied by very poor visibility & driving rain.
Outfalls/Ocean Edge
Whimbrel - one
Med Gull - 1+ juv & 2 adults
Tern - a vague outline on Heysham 2 outfall late afternoon - too wet to walk down the seawall. Definitely Common/Arctic/Cayenne/Antarctic etc.
Middleton IE
Snipe & eclipse male Tufted Duck with the four surviving (now large)young
A photo essay on why Acleris variegana of a certain morph is not a Light Brown Apple Moth was foiled by its escape. Lime-speck Pug was a slight eyebrow raiser, but otherwise nothing untoward in the trap.
Elusive Wood Sandpiper Conder Estuary (try looking upstream from the roadbridge??). Some unknowns appearing on the Leighton weekly summary, notably 4 juvenile Black Tern on 23rd
Saturday, 29 August 2009
No morning squalls, no birds
North harbour wall 0700-0800, 1300-1330
Wheatear - one on mound, one on Middleton IE
Gannet - 4 +2
Fulmar - 4
Manx Shearwater - 2 1315ish
Common Scoter - 10 (one flock)
Med Gull - adult harbour mouth, 2 adults Red Nab, 2 juvs on outfalls
Middleton IE
Little Grebe - as is not unusual at this site with late broods, newly hatched young seen today
Ringing recovery
Decent Twite recovery received this morning; ringed here on 13/3/09 (2CY female) and found freshly dead at Kerrera, which is the island immediately next to Oban, on 20/4/09

Juv Wood Sandpiper Conder creek
Friday, 28 August 2009
Oversleep & just desserts
Other than a bit of a mobile tern i.d. guide in the harbour mouth for a short time, little to commend the retreating tide this morning, starting at an unforgivable 0800hrs! Please could the birder who passed me at the (ex)heliport post any Gannets or similar dross as we are a bit desperate for variety this month. Thanks.
North wall 0800-0840, outfalls 0845-0850hrs
Common Tern - 2 juvs harbour mouth, then out [one later on outfalls]
Arctic Tern - one juv as above
Common Scoter - flock of 3 out
Fulmar - one very distant out
Med Gull - juv harbour mouth, juv Heysham 2 outfall & 2 x ad Red Nab in afternoon
Afternoon seawatch 1430-1530ish
Spent most of the time on the phone!!
Sandwich Tern - 2 out
Kittiwake - 1st W out
Bonxie off Cockersands 0925ish. Wood Sandpiper Conder area this evening. Juv Spoonbill still Allen/EM Pools.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Black Rabbit pulled from toilet wall!
New for the reserve and second record for SD45 was the oddly named "Black Rabbit Moth", Ypsolopha sequella.
From the same family, Ypsolopha scabrella was the 3rd reserve record.
The rather local "grass moths" Agriphila latistria and Agriphila geniculea continued to perform.
Treble Bar, thin on the ground earlier this year, made a welcome reappearance with two fresh second brood specimens
Ocean Edge foreshore & north harbour wall late afternoon
Med Gull - 2 x Ad, 1 x juv Red Nab, ad north harbour wall
Black-tailed Godwit - 2
Black tern - juvenile off north harbour wall heading towards outfalls (near HT)
Shag - juvenile by wooden jetty - first of autumn
Juv Spoonbill Griesdale Hide Leighton Moss
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Common Tern highlight
Its getting a bit desperate as regards variety - hopefully Friday will see a few waifs and strays
Ocean Edge/Red Nab
Med Gull - 2 x juv, 1 x Ad
Common Tern - one juv
Whimbrel - 1
Rush Veneer
Juv Spoonbill Leighton
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Hefty showers and a bit of vis
An 'early' start today for a change
Ocean Edge foreshore/Red Nab/outfalls 0800-0850hrs (low tide)
Tree Pipit - one SE
Meadow Pipit - 5 SE - first of autumn
Grey Wagtail - one grounded briefly, then SE. First perceived autumn migrant
Swallow - 14 S
House Martin - 1 S
Med Gull - 2 x juv, 2 x ad but a lot of gulls not visible at low tide
Sandwich Tern - 3 'out' along the low tide channel
Black-tailed Godwit - 9
Ringed Plover - 26
Dunlin - 11
Hey NR office area
Single Lesser Whitethroat, Chiffchaff & two Willow warbler mid-morning
The seaward end of Heysham One outfall looks a real low-tide magnet for the Sabs Gulls, Blk Terns etc we are going to get on Saturday!
Spoonbill Allen Pool, then NE, then back again! Juv Wood Sandpiper Glasson this evening
Monday, 24 August 2009
Nice day highlighted by a Greenshank!
The CES indicated that yesterdays migrant influx had moved on
Ocean Edge/Red Nab/outfalls 1100-1200
Med Gull - significant reduction in gull numbers saw 2 x adult (unringed) and 2 x juvenile/1st winter
Black-tailed Godwit - 16
Greenshank - juvenile Red Nab
Swallow - 32 south (including group of 25)
Sand Martin - one south
Osprey Leighton Moss, Wood Sandpiper Conder Green area briefly
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Med fest but indications a pre-rain passerine fall badly missed
Greeted on a far too late arrival by 3 Whitethroat in the buddliea below the office, at least 6 calling Willow Warbler by the office, a Sedge Warbler in the bramble next to the car park and 4 (remaining?) Wheatear dodging the dogs on Ocean Edge foreshore [plus another 6 on or around the heliport at high tide]. Par for the course in these conditions (a fresh SE wind prior to the rain) but thought the rain was happening a lot earlier (i.e. in the night) so no alarms set by any ringers/observers. Casual 'vis' comprised 14 south bound Swallows
during scattered coverage (e.g. WeBS)
Incoming tide Ocean Edge/Red Nab/outfalls
This was covered very thoroughly by Mark Prestwood by the outfalls and Pete Marsh on Ocean Edge foreshore. Unfortunately the colour-ringed Med could not quite be clinched (camcorder needed!)
Med Gull - at least 6 quite possibly 7 adults, including green-ringed bird starting with a definite letter 'A', then a probable 4, then at least one '1', the latter part of all this being very uncertain. If anyone sees it, please try and sort out the top one or two characters first. Also 5 juveniles, one of which was virtually into 1st winter plumage and therefore quite hard to pick out on Red Nab amongst the Black-headed Gulls. No other ages seen in careful search.
Black-tailed Godwit - 6
Whimbrel - 1
Common Sandpiper - 1
North harbour wall/heliport high tide
Med Gull - adult patrolling the wall amongst all the anglers but couldnt get decent view yo see whether it was the above-tarsus-ringed Czech bird or the other regular wintering adult
Cormorant - 39 on the wooden jetty - a good total for August
'Ad-type' (surely the 4CY?) Yellow-legged Gull Glasson, juv Wood Sandpiper Conder creek, 2 ad Meds Glasson, juv Spoonbill EM complex
Saturday, 22 August 2009
High tide, jetskis and holidaymakers having a good time
Ocean Edge/Red Nab etc
Med Gull - juv on the sea was the only notable bird on a visit which was a little too late with very little of Red Nab uncovered
Half Moon Bay woodland
Perhaps the same Jay party as recorded recently on Moneyclose Lane were seen this morning (3 young or 4 young in a single parent family!)
A Red Underwing was disturbed during the butterfly transect, unfortunately in SD45E where already recorded (once) in the moth trap this year. Butterflies on the HNR transect highlighted by 6 Brimstone, 6 Gatekeeper still, 5 Small Copper and 4 Small Tortoiseshell on the fleabane in the NE corner. Two Common, single Migrant and Brown Hawkers seen on transect route
Nothing yet of note
Friday, 21 August 2009
Incoming tide check highlighted by distant Bonxie
Ocean Edge foreshore/Red Nab/outfalls 1125-1200hrs
Bonxie (Great Skua) - distant bird appeared after IOM ferry started coming in, circled around then appeared to land on the sea
Gannet - one imm
Med Gull - just the one juv on Red Nab
Black-tailed Godwit - one Red Nab
Ringed Plover - 47 on shingle Ocean Edge south beach; no obvious colour-ringed birds (some hard to see) but metal-ringed male
Two Spoonbill still on Eric Morecambe complex. 4CY Yellow-legged Gull by red buoy 14 as seen from Sunderland tidal road late afternoon. Wood Sandpiper briefly on Conder Pool earlier on
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Another guillotined check
A spray-filled high tide check produced
Ringed Plover - exactly 50 on OE west field, 25 definitely unringed, then all flushed before could be checked
Med Gull - adult drifting around OE foreshore
Gannet - one along horizon
Manx Shearwater - I think it was - split second on the horizon
2 Spoonbill Leighton Moss. 45 Little Egrets left roost in morning. 4CY & JUV Yellow-legged Gull off Fishnet Point, Glasson this late afternoon (& Ad & juv Med).
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
5 minute guillotine
Pressing work issues kept the birding to a 5-minute high tide sweep of the outfalls & Red Nab & Ocean Edge foreshore
Little Egret - One OE saltmarsh creek
Med Gull - 2 juvs on outfalls, ad & 2CY on Red Nab
Black-tailed Godwit - none seen for the first time for a week or so
Grey Heron - juv Red Nab
Old Lady was a welcome visitor and Dark Spectacle was another rather uncommon addition to the year list

Note that this wind might produce a Black Tern or two later on today. Ad Curlew Sandpiper Glasson still, Marsh Harrier and Hobby past Cockerham Sands Carvan Park & Med Gull Jeremy Lane. Common Scoter Barnacre reservoir (no general access)
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Unobtrusive Meds & breeding Jays
Red Nab/outfalls/Ocean Edge
Med Gull: 2CY, 2/3CY, Ad on Red Nab in perfect viewing conditions, the first two a bit 'unobvious'! The 2/3CY was not clearly visible but seemed to have newly-growing (as opposed to old and unmoulted) black-tipped primaries, therefore another 2CY. Note that old extensively black outer primaries would still be a 2CY, with the moult not as advanced! These can otherwise look like 'adults' at rest at this time of year, especially if the bill is tucked away. No juvs today.
Black-tailed Godwit - just 2
Moneyclose Lane
Family party of very noisy Jays - almost certainly bred along here
Middleton IE
3 Reed Bunting, 2 Common Whitethroat & 2 Willow Warbler ringed before the weather which should have stayed in or west of the Isle of Man reached us in the form of medium/heavy rain!
Included a late Mother of Pearl
Monday, 17 August 2009
A bit of variety!
Not up early enough this morning & I dont think there were any early morning seawatchers out.
North harbour wall/Ocean Edge/outfalls 0900-1000hrs
Common Tern - adult Red Nab
Manx Shearwater - one out close in at 0905 & 4 together distantly across the mouth at c0915 - no others in a further 45 minutes watching
Arctic Skua - Juvenile in the mouth of the bay - headed in and across towards Ulverston 0905-0915
Med Gull - 2 adults (one Ocean Edge saltmarsh), one 2CY and one juvenile
Black-tailed Godwit - at least 12
Just Agriphila latistria of note
Ringed Med
A rather unexpected reappearance in this area by a bird recorded as a juv in 2007. There is a distinct possibility that this bird has been seen in the meantime e.g. Dutch/Belgian/French coasts and any details received will be published on this site
Arnhem 3651898 & darvic
Ringed: De Kreupel, Netherlands Nestling 5/7/07
Seen: Heysham outfalls 1-2/9/07 (& prob from 28/7/07)
Seen: Morecambe Broadway area 16/8/09
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Seawatching missed
No significant amounts of seawatching today which probably saved an observer or two from watching paint dry
North harbour wall/outfalls
Med Gull - two adults and a juv
Manx Shearwater - 3 out together early evening
South harbour wall
Wheatear - 1
Lapwing - increase to c50
Middleton IE
Tufted Duck family party (first breeding record for SD45E) now down to 4 young
Belgian (Ad) and Dutch (3CY)-ringed Med Gull north Morecambe along with an unringed adult. Another colour-ringed Little Egret seen at Leighton Moss - please keep checking both legs above and below the knee of any Little Egrets you come across
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Meds return but wind below seawatching par
Red Nab/outfalls
Med Gull - 2 juveniles & one adult
Black-tailed Godwit - 24
Whimbrel - 2
Wheatear - 2
North wall
Med Gull- visiting birders saw an adult & either 2CY or 3CY
Nothing yet
Friday, 14 August 2009
Rock bottom early autumnal dross
Heysham Obs
Ocean Edge/Red Nab
Robert-the Bruce-like persistence with Red Nab saw a third visit late afternoon which produced fleeing Redshank, Black-tailed Godwits, seagulls etc and a family of 'flattened mohicans' with a double 'tideline' on the shaven bit along the side of the head. Extraordinary: father & two small sons with identical highly intricate patterns.
Black-tailed Godwit - 24
No Meds at all at high tide!
North harbour wall
Heysham Nature reserve
The Constant Effort Site ringing session revealed that there was no movement of an ornithological nature through the bushes below the observation tower. A supplementary net next to the office produced a sprinkling of finches and warblers, including one of three Lesser Whitethroats around the office during the morning
No vis at all. A perceived Swallow passage was resolved as the same bird on a sizeable circuit!
Highlighted by White-spotted Pug plus the first of the local Agriphila latistria for the year. Another rarity, Agriphila selasella wandered from the local saltmarshes for the second time this year.
Similarly dead by the look of the pager
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Cold, clear and birdless start to the day
Middleton IE
Green Woodpecker - heard on golf course & then east of Tim Butlers
Swift - 1 south
Swallow - c15 south
Meadow Pipit - one high to the south (first perceived autumn migrant)
grounded migrants: zilch
Ocean Edge/Red Nab
Dreadful heat haze with birds facing away at high tide
Med Gull - 2 juvenile & 2 adult noticed
Black-tailed Godwit - 27
Whimbrel - 1
Butterflies Heysham Nature reserve
Highlighted by a really good count of 6 Small Copper, 3 Brimstone, 3 Red Admiral and Gatekeeper relegated to 'lots'.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Good Med total at high tide
Original posting removed due to changed forecast!
Red Nab/Ocean Edge/outfalls (with Brian Yorke)
Med Gull - 3 adults, one 2CY, 4 juvenile
Black-tailed Godwit - 4
A very late check saw a good number of Silver Y still left in (12), despite the sun on the window - possibilities of other migrants in the next few days!
The 4CY Yellow-legged Gull and moulting adult Curlew Sandpiper still showing well at Glasson
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Green Woodpecker added to the year list and almost to the ringing list!
Red Nab/Ocean Edge a bit too early on incoming tide & a quick look just after high tide
Med Gull: 2 adult and three juv
Black-tailed Godwit - 35
Dunlin - 3 OE south shingle bank
Ringed Plover - 16 OE south shingle bank but no sign of ringed bird from last 'winter'
Ringing at Middleton
Green Woodpecker - one sat on a mist net pole!
Ringing included: 3 Lesser and 5 Common Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, a flock of 6 Goldfinch, just 2 Sedge Warbler and one Willow Warbler & Reed Bunting. A bit too windy.
The red-ringed Bittern (originally taken into care & released at Leighton) in front of the Lower Hide.
Monday, 10 August 2009
Usual stuff
Red Nab/Ocean Edge/outfalls incoming tide
Med Gull - 3 juvenile, 2 adult
Black-tailed Godwit - 16
Whimbrel - 1
Little Egret - 1
Ad Curlew Sandpiper & 4CY Yellow-legged Gull still at Glasson
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Still no Ruddy Darter.............
.............Are they now extinct at Middleton/Heysham?
Very brief visit to Red Nab/OE foreshore
Med Gull - ad & juv
Black-tailed Godwit - 14
1 Whimbrel
1 Juvenile Wheatear
Heysham Nature reserve
Quite a few Willow Warblers (c10 at any on time) calling within earshot of the office along with 3+ Common Whitethroat - more migrants than yesterdays poor show !
Middleton IE dragonflies (thanks Colin & Colin)
Model Boat Pond: Common Blue Damselfly: many males (pure guess - 50), 3 tandems, 1female, 4 tenerals; Common Darter 12 males 15 tenerals 1 tandem; Emperor: 1 male, 2 females ovipositing; Blue Tailed Damselfly: 4 males; Black Tailed Skimmer: 1 male
Middleton Wood Pond: Common Darter: 9 males, 1 female, 1 unsexed, 13 tenerals, 2 ovipositing tandems; Emperor: 1 male; Emerald Damselfly: 1 mating pair
Central & Western Marshes
Sightings included 5 4-spotted Chaser
Butterflies: 3 Wall Brown
Heysham NR dragonflies
Dog Pond: Migrant Hawker: Possible female, definite male about 30 yards past on the way back, hawking; Common Darter 4 males + 1 tandem ovipositing; Common Blue Damselfly: 5 males; Emperor: 1 female ovipositing, 2 males; Brown Hawker: 1 male; Blue Tailed Damselfly: 1 male; Common Hawker: 2 males (1 of which consistently saw off the emperor!)
Dipping pond: Brown Hawker: 1 male, 1 female; Blue Tailed Damselfly: 2 males
Jetty: Common Darter: 5 males 1 female; Common Hawker: 1 male; Brown Hawker: 1 female; Blue Tailed Damselfly: 1 male; Emerald Damselfly: 1 male
Hide screen: Possible female Migrant Hawker (but probably not Common Hawker) & 1 male; Blue Tailed Damselfly: 1 male; Common Darter: 1 male, 1 tandem
Marsh & surrounds: Migrant Hawker: 3 males; Common Hawker 4 males & 16 male 7 female Common Darter
Decent catch included the following less-common species here: Double Lobed, Dingy Footman (3), Flame Carpet (!), Bordered Beauty, Narrow-winged Pug.
4CY Yellow-legged Gull & Ad Curlew Sandpiper still at Glasson
Saturday, 8 August 2009
The miracle of Red Nab
Amazingly Red Nab was untouched by human or canine hand on the latter stages of the incoming tide
Red Nab/Ocean Edge/outfalls
Med Gull - 3 separate juvs (at least 2 unringed), 2 adults
Black-tailed Godwit - 24
Whimbrel - 2
Middleton IE
Too clear and breezy, followed by fast moving cumulus from the SW, from an early stage this morning as the forecasted Atlantic weather seems to be starting to run ahead of predictions. Just a handful of birds caught including Lesser Whitethroat & the only overhead movement involved 3 Swift and 6 Swallow
3 Red Admiral, 9 Painted Lady, 3 Peacock, 2 Small Tortoiseshell HNR office buddliea. Grayling Ocean Edge foreshore
Friday, 7 August 2009
No birding time
No known coverage of the coastal areas
Middleton IE
Tufted Duck with 5 young still on No Swimming pond & surviving well
One Wall Brown notable.
Reasonable catch included a single migrant Diamond-back Moth, barred Rivulet, Carcina quercana & Sallow (both first of year)
The HNR office buddliea held up to 13 Peacock, 6 Painted Lady, 3 Small Tortoiseshell but the Red Admiral influx of two days ago had melted away
Ad Curlew Sandpiper & 4CY Yellow-legged Gull Glasson. 2 Yellow Wagtail Bank End area
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Bits and bobs
Middleton IE 0630-1230
Still 2 singing male Grasshopper Warbler and a 'squealing' Water Rail - surely they have bred this year. 28 new birds ringed comprising the 'usual' selection of warblers (7 Sedge Warblers, 5 Reed Warblers [including four juvenile], 3 Willow Warblers, 2 Whitethroat, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Blackcap ) and a few passage Swallows (about 50 - 7 ringed) and Swift (11). No tit flocks to enhance the total/reduce the quality of the catch!
Other: 9 Greylag south, 1 Raven over.
Ocean Edge
A bit late with the rocks nearly covered by the spring tide. Apart from the lack of terns, the absence of one or two moulting Little Gulls at this stage of the autumn is rather surprising
Med Gull - one adult
Redshank - 257
Good variety of butterflies on the office buddleia, incluing a brief Holly Blue
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Quick check incoming tide
Ocean Edge foreshore & area
Med Gull - 2 adult & 1 juv
Whimbrel - 1
Fen Wainscot, Southern Wainscot & Dingy Footman headed a decent moth catch. 25 Silver Y the only migratory evidence
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
A struggle..................
..................but there could have been a massive Willow Warbler fall at pre-rain dawn as the only coverage was over the 1000ish tide!
Red Nab/Ocean Edge/outfalls
Med Gull - just one juv with most gulls heading for wet fields on arrival
Redshank - 210
Turnstone - 59
Whimbrel - 1
A very small catch did include the first Fen Wainscot of the year
The HN reserve is really good at the moment - even though sunlight was at a premium today, in the high humidity there were loads of Common Blue, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Speckled Wood, Small Skipper & single Comma & Small Copper on just a short walk
4CY Yellow-legged Gull off Fishnet Point area, Glasson along with 3 x Ad, 1 x 2CY Med Gulls at nearby Cockersands LAST night (3CY Med recently). See Fylde site for several Med records from Lune Estuary over the last week.
Monday, 3 August 2009
Black Tern new in
Red Nab/Ocean Edge/Outfalls
Black Tern - moulting adult on Red Nab (nearly overlooked!), then shoreline
Med Gull - just one juvenile and one adult seen
Passage 0915-0945
Swallow - 23 south
Sand Martin - 16 south
Wheatear - one OE foreshore
Contrasting aesthetically, but equally notable, were Dingy Shears and Bordered Beauty. First Golden Rod Pug of the autumn. Just one migrant (Silver Y).
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Not a lot this morning with the two 'glued-together' juv Med Gulls seemingly disappearing and an unfavourable wind direction making life difficult viewing resting birds on Red Nab
Ocean Edge to Heliport
Med Gull - Czech-ringed adult & one other adult & one juv.
Little Egret - 1+ OE saltmarsh creek
Black-tailed Godwit - 1
Knot - 2
Whimbrel - 2
Nothing offshore
Heysham NR
The pair of Sparrowhawk, nesting at an inaccessible site, fledged three young today. At least four Coal Tit in mixed flock - early for this species on here
Excellent on Heysham NR, given the wind, with at least 27 Gatekeepers, 8 Painted Lady, 3 Red Admiral, Brimstone, Small Copper, 3 Comma, Grayling, plenty of Small Skipper & Meadow Brown. Highlight was an unprecendented c30 Holly Blue and similar numbers of Common Blue
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Little Egret invasion & late afternoon Storm Petrel
Ocean Edge/Red Nab/outfalls quick visit 0745-0800, then c1730-1810
Little Egret - 3 in OE saltmarsh channel am
Med Gull - 3 juvs, 2CY & 2 ads Red Nab/OE foreshore/outfalls evening
Whimbrel - 4 am
Black-tailed Godwit - 14 Red Nab am
Storm Petrel - one between the dredger and the red buoy, flying backwards and forwards at about 1750hrs, then a big yellow thing emerged from behind a cloud and it became impossible to view the area.
A really odd catch - only 10 moths but graced by Dun-bar (first of year & scarce here), Flounced Rustic (first of year & not scarce here!), Southern Wainscot (not common away from the wetlands) & Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet (not particularly common here)
Note there were 16 Storm Petrel off Walney yesterday