Heysham Obs
Mark visited this morning with the intention of ring-reading Med Gulls. However this proved difficult due to the wind but Mark presented me with nine he read on 21/7, including three 'new' metal-ring reads. Excellent and that makes 13 ringed birds read this year. No sign, as yet, though of the Czech-ringed veteran this 'autumn'. Mark did not have time to search for the Bonaparte's Gull but the/an adult Little Gull was present and the Bonaparte's Gull materialised nearer high tide
Camille made contact this morning and R13E:
Ringed: Oye Plage, Pas de Calais, France, 50 59N 2 03E nestling 15/6/09
Seen: Le Portal, Pas de Calais 20/9/09
Seen: Piriac sur mer, Loire Atlantique, 47 23N 2 33W 7/2-18/2/10
Seen: Polder de Sebastopol, Vendee 46 56N 2 09W 21-27/4/11
Seen: Heysham outfalls 3/8/11
Seen Heysham outfalls 22/7/13
.....................and metal-ringed E929362:
Ringed: Total, Antwerp, Belgium, 51 15N 4 19E 17/5/11
Seen: Heysham outfalls 21-22/7/13
Thanks for these, Gavin, Mark, Pete and others
Med Gull - 7 ad, 2 2nd CY, 3 3rd CY, two juv
Little Gull - adult summer early morning at least
Bonaparte's Gull - adult outfalls at least just after lunch
The north wall actinic survived the rain and latterly wind to produce a good catch with the following new for the 10k square: Tawny Shears, Silver Y (!),
Cochylis dubitana, Agapeta zoegana, Antler, Rosy Minor, Bright-line Brown eye. White Line Darts only reached 56!