Wednesday 17 July 2024

Swifts moving though and waders returning

A warm sunny day with a west breeze.

South shore 
Both myself (Malcolm) and Janet had a walk along the sea wall, but both were a little early on the ebbing tide. The only bird of note was a 2nd calendar year Mediterranean gull feeding on the seaward side of No1 outflow, then it or another resting between the outflows.

Plenty of insects in the Nature Park though.
Large White 4

Small White 3

Red Admiral 1

Comma 1

2 of 7 Gatekeeper 

Ringlet 8

Four-Spotted Chaser 1

North shore (Malcolm)
Swift at least 11 feeding between Half Moon Bay and Knowsly Rd, presumably moving through.

Heysham skear - low water 15:30
Little Egret 2
Eider 3
Red-breasted Merganser 2
Herring gull 350

Oystercatcher c500
Curlew c60
Redshank 68
Some of the Redshank 

Bar-Tailed Godwit 1 in summer plumage

Male Bar-Tailed Godwit

Dunlin 1 in summer plumage
Dunlin with Knot and Oystercatchers

Knot 103 including 3 in summer plumage
This small group was joined by the Dunlin as the tide moves them on.


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