Saturday 7 September 2024

Warblers and wagtails moving through

Bright and sunny till lunchtime, then the clouds gathered as if to rain. And it stayed like that for the rest of the day. A light NE breeze.

South shore
These shots from Janet's morning walk.

Two of three Wheatear on foreshore to Red Nab

In the Nature Park

Excellent in flight shots of a Blue Tit

Female Chaffinch 

Male Chaffinch


I checked late morning hoping to see more insects coming in/off (Malcolm). Unfortunately my walk coincided with the only time in the day when the breeze shifted to NW briefly.
There was one Chiffchaff singing and at least two calling from the Nature Park.
A female Blackcap and a Willow Warbler were by the newt pond, unfortunately spooked by a passing walker before I could get a decent shot.

This Common Whitethroat was in the Elder bush near the waterfall 

No Mediterranean gulls seen 
It's strange seeing the beach by the wooden jetty deserted

Rock Pipit 2 near the wooden jetty, one was a first calendar year bird, possibly what Janet's bird yesterday was taking food to.
First calendar year Rock Pipit

Grey Heron, resting by No.1 outfall 

There were lots of Starlings about

A Peregrine Falcon tried catching a Starling from a group at the end of the wooden jetty. It was surprisingly clumsy at close quarters, presumably a youngster. It ended up flying off and the group remained intact and insitu.

There were some insect coming in/off.
Small White 3
Large White 1
Small Tortoiseshell 1
Red Admiral 2
Common Darter 1
Unlike yesterday's darters today's was a female

Middleton Nature Reserve
Ringing report by John:
A better morning with nine Grey Wagtails caught and colour ringed.
No obvious overhead movement observed during the session.
The full catch comprised of:
Grey Wagtail          x 9
Chiffchaff              x 8
Blackcap               x 5
Goldfinch              x 4
Singles of:
Reed Bunting
Cetti's Warbler
Reed Warbler
Great Tit
Blue Tit

Report and pictures from Peter and Rosemary Silvester
Cetti's Warbler 1 singing
Male Broad-bodied Chaser

Detail of a Cranefly you seldom get to see


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