Tuesday 15 October 2024

Still stuff moving through

It just managed to stay dry, but mainly overcast. A light SE breeze.

South shore (Malcolm)
Just a high water (10:20) check from the saltmarsh to Red Nab.
Linnet 42 in one flock lifted by a 
Merlin female or immature - once again flying low and fast. It disappeared after lifting the Linnet, so I assumed it got one and settled down in the saltmarsh. 
Sparrowhawk 1 attacked the flock whilst they were airborne but failed to catch one. At least it had the decency to pose for a picture.

Kestrel 1 flew across the saltmarsh.
The saltmarsh is a dangerous place for small birds and rodents to feed!

Stonechat 1 female in NE corner of saltmarsh 

Female Stonechat
Pied Wagtail 2 in/off then SE

Lapwing 74 - they headed off when the Merlin attacked (and it is such a small raptor)
Common Snipe 3 flushed by the rising tide
Wigeon 79 had been on Red Nab then headed south.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Report by Jean:
Thick cloud put the lid (as it were) on any vis, although when it brightened up later in the morning a couple of Skylarks and Chaffinches flew over. Ringing was fairly low key but all 12 birds were new suggesting they were on the move:

Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Blue Tit 1
Chiffchaff 4
Goldcrest 3
Chaffinch 1
Goldfinch 2

A couple of Water Rails squealed and a couple of Cetti's Warblers called from the western side. A Grey Wagtail was around mainly near the sewage works, Three Reed Buntings evaded the nets. 

I had a quick look at the main ponds this afternoon (Malcolm).
Not really much change.
Mute Swan pair with immature plus another adult 
Mallard 12
Tufted Duck 8
Gadwall 6
Teal 2
Coot 18
Moorhen 8

Common Snipe 1
Cetti's warbler 2 singing 

Migrant Hawker 1

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