Monday 7 October 2024

Yellow-Brow bonanza!

The light SE wind continues. Dry and sunny.

Yellow-Browed Warbler 7 probably 8
Shaun checked the areas where he hadn't seen one yesterday and managed to locate another four!
The point reference relates to the map below
1. (point A) Heysham Head - near the turret (Bracken Field). Then flew to Rectory wood with two Chiffchaffs.
2. (point E) Nature Park - near the small anemometer. This one was calling. At least 4 other birders managed to twitch this one.
3. (point F) Middleton Nature Reserve southern part - Along western track that runs alongside Middleton Industrial Estate. Seen and calling, with a Chiffchaff.
4. (point H) Showing well along the footpath from Carr Lane to Ocean Edge Caravan Park. 

Three more on Heysham Nature Reserve 
5. (point D) One called twice in the tank farm - Jean
6. (point B) One calling by the dipping pond - Kevin Eaves

7. (point C) At 14:30 Jean caught this one below the old Observation tower
A bird in the hand

8. One called from the fire pond at Heysham NR 17:45. The net had just been taken down! Probably different to the earlier one as that flew off due north from the office

Despite all the sightings they are terribly difficult to get a decent shot of, as they flit in the still quite densely foliaged bushes. This shot from Kevin of the small anemometer bird, is slightly out of focus, but much more typical of the glimpses that you get.

A bird in the bush - fortunately Yellow-Browed warblers are very distinctive

Shaun put together this map of all today's locations. And the link below to provide precise locations 
Map showing today's locations except Heysham Head.
The link below takes you to the complete map

South shore
I had a walk along the sea wall at lunchtime (Malcolm)
The Yellow-Browed warbler near the small anemometer was still calling

Mediterranean gull 2 on Red Nab
Wigeon 19 on Red Nab
Kingfisher 1 flitting around Red Nab as the tide was approaching (no foliage to hide behind here!)

Robin in a cocky pose

Grey Heron on No.2 outfall railings 

Some of the 97 Redshank near No.1 outfall

Meadow Pipit 3 in off
There was just a single Wheatear on the foreshore. I walked as far as the waterfall and the only passerines near the lighthouse were a flock of 35 Linnet that flew east (don't know where they came from)
But when Kevin Eaves checked the same area later in the afternoon there was another Wheatear near the lighthouse. Plus three very active Chiffchaffs in the scrub near the waterfall and then they were joined by two more.

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