Sunday, 16 February 2025

Coot numbers approaching critical mass

A dry day with some sunshine. A light SE wind

This is a shot taken by Howard earlier this week of waders lifting off the Sunnyslopes 
groyne. Count estimate is 638 Knot excluding Dunlin.
This is interesting on two counts, first it allows an easier estimate of Knot numbers
in a flock. i.e. multiples of this size flock equals multiples of 600+.
 Howard has circled  the marked Knot in this flock. 7, that represents 1%, and that
 tends to be the approximate number of marked Knot in many flocks.
 Although some flocks have barely any.

Middleton Nature Reserve (Malcolm)
Just a passing check of the two main ponds.
Nothing seen on the "no swimming" pond.
Main pond
Mute Swan pair plus 1 immature 
Mallard 18
Gadwall 35
Tufted Duck 5
Moorhen 2
Coot 13 - every one seemed to be either chasing another or being chased!

Imperial Rd (Malcolm)
A quick look this afternoon 
Teal 3
Moorhen 2

These two Herring gulls were paddling, this normally attracts worms to the surface. They were definitely catching plenty of invertebrates, but it isn't clear exactly what, although you can see one worm being swallowed.

Herring gulls, one with a strand of grass 

It is nice seeing Herring gulls feeding naturally, unlike many of their urban counterparts. This is a familiar scene, very nicely depicted in a new mural in Morecambe.

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