Saturday, 25 January 2025

A calm between the storms

Yesterday's gales had eased by evening. The wind was still quite a fresh SW today till it eased further and switched to SE by evening. Dry with plenty of sunshine.

Several observers checked the sea on the south and north sides, but there was no sign of yesterday's Little gull.

Male Bullfinch in the Nature Park

Pale-bellied Brent geese 10 - off play area north of Heysham Head (David Kaye)

North shore (Malcolm)
I checked the inner skear at low water this afternoon. The inner skear was the only area exposed by the tide, but we are moving back to higher tides now.
Eider 7
No mergansers or grebes seen.

When little of the skear is exposed the waders are more concentrated. In this clip, Dunlin, Knot, Oystercatcher and Redshank. I was going to say feeding frantically, but some of the Knot at the end of the clip are resting.
Oystercatcher 1,200
Curlew 30
Redshank 200
Knot 400
Dunlin 20
Turnstone 25
Ringed Plover 6
Lapwing 42 - Lapwings are unusual on this side, presumably some displaced by yesterday's storm where returning to wherever they came from.
Lapwings heading south over the skear

There were very few coded birds amongst the Knot, just two read.
This Knot is part of a Dutch scheme, details awaited

Strong winds from the SE with heavy rain forecast for tomorrow afternoon, doesn't sound very promising!

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