Thursday, 13 February 2025

Otters still around

Another dry but overcast day. A light east breeze.

Middleton Nature Reserve (Linda Renshaw)
Several Otter spraints were found on the west side of the main pond. The freshest, at the pond edge contained rodent bones, but some further from the bank contained shells, possibly signal Crayfish. There were no record of any spraints last year, this was blamed on the sudden drop in the Crayfish population. The Otters have probably returned at this time to catch the frogs and toads as they turn up to breed.
Barn Owl was seen patrolling on two occasions.

North shore 
Howard checked the heliport wall and Near Naze.
Knot c3,500 mainly on the Heliport sloping wall
they took to the air briefly to move more central on the outerwall

There were a few flagged birds, but the vast majority of legs were not visible.

This ringed Oystercatcher (left) has been with us all winter.
Ringed at Iceland in 2021

Janet checked from the shore later in the ebbing tide. Many of the Knot were now resting on the mud. 
There are two orange flagged birds in this shot. One facing away so just
the shaft visible. The other illegible at this range.


Pale-bellied Brent goose 34 flew into the corner of Half Moon Bay, where the Cafe is.

Still no sign of the Canadian ringed birds on this side of the Bay.

They don't eat the wrack, just the fine green gutweed on the rocks.

Heysham skear (Malcolm)
I went down early evening as the tide was uncovering the skear.
Eider 172
Red-breasted Merganser 4
About 1,500 Knot arrived to feed, but spread thinly around the edges. No Peregrine disturbance, presumably they had already eaten. Several flagged birds were seen and at least one new one for this winter.

One or two are already showing hints of their fine red summer plumage.

Oystercatcher, Curlew and Knot

The light was fading quickly, but the sun's rays were still illuminating 
the Lakeland hills

Just out of the recording area, horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall.
Green Sandpiper - Pete

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